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Empower Your Presence: Unleashing Your Inner Confidence | Lifestyle | COURTNEY TALBOT

In today’s fast-paced world, women are constantly juggling various roles and responsibilities. Whether you’re at home with children, in the corporate world, or navigating social circles, it’s essential to find your inner power and own your space. In this article I will explain how to do just that and underscore the importance of the energy you bring and your body language in achieving this.

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Doctor, what’s wrong with my nails I Dr. Elsade Kruger l Beloved Health

Nail abnormalities on fingers or toes can have many different causes. Normal nails are smooth and have consistent colouring, but there may be changes, particularly as we age. Some changes may be due to injury, or to toxic products coming into regular contact with your hands.  Other changes may be the result of medical conditions that require diagnosis and treatment.

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Five hours at Sing Sing prison | Letters from New York | Katherine Meeks

I rise at 6am to catch an early train from Grand Central Station. My goal is Sing Sing Prison, one of America’s most famous prisons, and yes, it looks just like it does in all those prison movies –old and gritty. It’s about an hour north of New York City by train, the tracks follow the edge of the Hudson River.  Locally, “going up the river” was another expression for being sent to prison to do hard time. Sing Sing is a maximum-security prison. 

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I am She | Lifestyle | Charné Scorgie

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, I wish I could do what she does? She radiates confidence, and whatever she does, she does it so well and without effort. Nothing seems to get her down or break her speed. While reading this, please look in the mirror and repeat after me, I AM SHE.

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