Have you ever looked at someone and thought, I wish I could do what she does? She radiates confidence, and whatever she does, she does it so well and without effort. Nothing seems to get her down or break her speed. While reading this, please look in the mirror and repeat after me, I AM SHE.
You might be thinking that I’m crazy. How can I say that you are the person that I’m referring to? Well, in plain and simple terms, we are our biggest critics. We are the reason that we don’t move out of our comfort zones or see our worth, our qualities, anything that is good, great or amazing about ourselves. For some reason, we only keep the good stuff, the positive words for anybody and everybody but ourselves.
So, going back to my first point: “I AM SHE” – The reason why I can say that is because chances are that there are women you know or don’t know, looking at you right now, wanting what you have, seeing all of your good and positive qualities, which is basically everything that you can’t see about yourself.
Now that I have your attention, I would like you to answer the below questions truthfully:
- When did you last go an entire day without saying one negative thing about yourself?
- When did you last look in the mirror and say “Damn, I look good?”
- When was the last time you complimented yourself?
- Are the majority of your thoughts positive or negative?
- What do you do when someone compliments you?
My biggest daily struggle is my mind. I struggle with self-doubt, fear, anxiety, confidence etc. The list is endless. But the key word is “I”. The only way I can overcome my “mind” is to pray and meditate on scripture to focus on what God says about me, and then “we” overcome it. Yes, we! I have to do my part so that God can do what only He can do. But it starts with me.
Did you also see I said “daily”?
Nothing in life is one-and-done. Nope, you have to do it daily. There is a reason why God says in His word
Luke 9:23-24 And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (English Standard Version).
You need to wake up in the morning and choose. You can choose what you allow to affect you or if someone says something about you, whether it will alter your mood or your day. You choose to love or hate the person in the mirror. It all comes back to you!
That, my sister, is the good news! Because you get to choose and have all the power! I challenge you today to look in the mirror every day and tell that strong, beautiful, confident, brave, amazing, powerful woman looking back at you that she is “all of the above” and see how your life changes. But don’t take my word for it – DO IT! I promise you. You will not regret it.
See how your life changes, how your situation changes, and ultimately how the change will affect your work and home life.
In closing, always remember this scripture, and meditate on it daily: Psalm 139: 14 “I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (English Standard Version).
“Receive it, believe it, achieve it.” I dare you!
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