Lo and behold! Loadshedding is back with a vengeance, in the midst of winter! We have some great ideas for you to spend quality time in the dark with your partner instead of waiting impatiently for the power to come back on.
If you’re at home with your significant other, blackouts can have a very romantic element to it. If you make sure you are well prepared before the lights go out, you can turn your loadshedding slot into a dreamy soirée for two.
Firstly, plan, plan, plan! Make sure you have everything ready. Charge your phone and Bluetooth speaker, switch the electric blanket on or light the fire, have your snacks and drinks, fairy lights or candles, massage oils and lubes, and pillows and blankets ready.
Create ambience. Put on some romantic background music – that’s where the charged phone and Bluetooth speaker comes in handy (and a subscription to your favourite music app with downloaded music).
Now is the time to dust off those scented candles. Soft candlelight can truly put you in a romantic mood, so light those babies for an amorous setting. Teddy Pendergrass said it best:
‘’Turn off the lights and light a candle,
Tonight I’m in a romantic mood, yeah.’’
Run a bath and add some rose petals and CBD Bath Bombs. Take turns and wash each other’s back. Open the massage oil that’s been waiting in the back of your toiletry cabinet and massage away. It is great for stress relief, and incredible to set the mood for foreplay.
Try that new sex position you read about recently. Spontaneity is most likely to woo your partner and reignite the passion.
Bring your box of sex toys to the party. They add a whole lot of fun and excitement to your relationship – that is of course if your partner is not intimidated by them. You can always try something a little less daunting like a feather to tickle, tease and tantalise.
Of course, intimacy is not always about sex. Intimacy is about closeness, fostering loving bonds and being together. You can always just while away by gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes. Sex is just the cherry on top.
You can take turns to feed each other with your favourite treats – in the dark, or blindfolded. Either way, it could turn out to be a very sensual and erotic dinner.
Loadshedding is a turn-off, but you can always get turned on by making sexy time with your other half, even in the dark times.
Lo and behold! Loadshedding is back with a vengeance, in the midst of winter! We have some great ideas for you to spend quality time in the dark with your partner instead of waiting impatiently for the power to come back on.
If you’re at home with your significant other, blackouts can have a very romantic element to it. If you make sure you are well prepared before the lights go out, you can turn your loadshedding slot into a dreamy soirée for two.
Firstly, plan, plan, plan! Make sure you have everything ready. Charge your phone and Bluetooth speaker, switch the electric blanket on or light the fire, have your snacks and drinks, fairy lights or candles, massage oils and lubes, and pillows and blankets ready.
Create ambience. Put on some romantic background music – that’s where the charged phone and Bluetooth speaker comes in handy (and a subscription to your favourite music app with downloaded music).
Now is the time to dust off those scented candles. Soft candlelight can truly put you in a romantic mood, so light those babies for an amorous setting. Teddy Pendergrass said it best:
‘’Turn off the lights and light a candle,
Tonight I’m in a romantic mood, yeah.’’
Run a bath and add some rose petals and CBD Bath Bombs. Take turns and wash each other’s back. Open the massage oil that’s been waiting in the back of your toiletry cabinet and massage away. It is great for stress relief, and incredible to set the mood for foreplay.
Try that new sex position you read about recently. Spontaneity is most likely to woo your partner and reignite the passion.
Bring your box of sex toys to the party. They add a whole lot of fun and excitement to your relationship – that is of course if your partner is not intimidated by them. You can always try something a little less daunting like a feather to tickle, tease and tantalise.
Of course, intimacy is not always about sex. Intimacy is about closeness, fostering loving bonds and being together. You can always just while away by gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes. Sex is just the cherry on top.
You can take turns to feed each other with your favourite treats – in the dark, or blindfolded. Either way, it could turn out to be a very sensual and erotic dinner.
Loadshedding is a turn-off, but you can always get turned on by making sexy time with your other half, even in the dark times.