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Is It Just Me? | written by Julanie J

Is it just me, or am I the only twenty- something girl feeling like my life is just not on track? No matter how many to- do lists I create – and believe me, there are plenty- despite all these lists, self- help guides and even with all the “girl get your life back motivation”, it just isn’t doing it for me anymore. Nothing’s working! After the craziness of the 2020 pandemic, my career and personal life just isn’t what it used to be, from disturbed workflow to sometimes uninspired creativity, it honestly just feels like my joy and motivation have been taken away, and I want them back. I want that spark back! It is hard enough that Covid took away 2 years of our twenties, but I won’t let it steal away my purpose, so with that being said, I’m going to try and take my life back.

The broken mender | written by Julanie J | South Africa

Here are 5 things I’m trying to do. Hopefully they will help both me and you:

  1. Set an alarm and wake up before 8am:  when you don’t have kids, normal working hours, and mostly work from home, it’s so easy to just sleep in, and sometimes that can really mess your day up. We want to harness the most of each day, waking up later just makes your entire day feel lagged.
  2. Skincare: I feel pretty when my skin looks good, and that gives me confidence, so ensuring that I take the right steps to maintain a good skin care routine gives me that glow.
  3. Water Up Baby! I feel 10 times healthier when I’m hydrated, and yet it’s something I almost always forget, but I’m setting myself a personal challenge to drink more water each day.
  4. Make a bold career move: whether it’s sending that email to your boss asking for that much- deserved raise, or contacting someone for a new job. Whatever you need to do to step out of your shell and make a power move for your career, Do it Girl!
  5. Reevaluate Personal Boundaries and set them: It’s really important for us to check in with ourselves, and sometimes that means we need to do the hard stuff: your close friend that just judges? They’ve got to go! Your family member that’s always belittling you? Address it. When we set our boundaries, especially with the ones we love, it can be difficult, but when it’s done with kindness and love, and for self-preservation, it’s so much more rewarding.

You’ve got to value your sanity and mental well-being just as much as your feelings and emotions. I have learned that by setting boundaries sometimes you are saving yourself.

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