As an influencer that wants to reach a certain crowd, I have recently discovered that the reason my brand is not growing is because I have too many “HATS” and am confusing my audience.
I am a mom and businesswoman with 5 different companies, and in this space I found myself changing my “hats” about 6 times a day, talking and wanting to inspire different people with different messages. Now I know this is not always easy because you want to juggle all of these balls to have multiple streams of income, and you want to show the world that you have what it takes to be the best brand, but the moment you start confusing your working spaces, you get exhausted, and your audience thinks that it is anyway not doable, and decide to rather not follow you because it looks impossible.
Here are some tips to make your brand more streamlined.
- Make a list of all your different “hats”.
- Number them in a priority list. What is most important to you in this season of your life.
- Start saying NO. Remember the word NO is a full sentence.
- Start focusing on how to let go of some of the hats and spend more energy on the Top Priority ones.
- Train and study and make yourself an expert in the top 3 hats on your list.
- I know you want to be Superwoman, but the reality is that your energy and focus are divided, you need to start working SMART.
- Make realistic short -term goals with a Journal or a Dreamboard.
A DREAM with a Vision becomes a GOAL
A GOAL broken down into STEPS become a PLAN
A PLAN backed by ACTION becomes a REALITY
Happy Hats -sorting, beautiful woman!
Remember that you were created beautifully and fearfully by God. Let Him guide you.
Anri Powell