If you were there: Missing people and the marks they leave behind by | Jacqueline Dyer By Francisco Garcia. Harper Collins, 2021. | Book Review

When he was eight years old, Francisco Garcia’s Spanish father disappeared from his life. His English mother had died of breast cancer the previous year, and the young Francisco was brought up by an aunt and a grandmother. At 27, the English-speaking Londoner with the Spanish name is a journalist and writer. He decides it is time to re-engage with the story of his absent father, and to follow his traces. This book is his journey, but alongside the search for his father, this is an exploration of what it means to be missing, and especially, what it means to those left behind.

If you were there: Missing people and the marks they leave behind by | Jacqueline Dyer By Francisco Garcia. Harper Collins, 2021. | Book Review Read More »