- Shoes check
- Running clothes check
- Phone with my running music check
I’m getting ready for my daily run. It is my way of unwinding and just having some me time, reflecting also on the day and on what I need to accomplish next. It’s also when my creativity flows and new ideas spring forth. A way to get alone with God and worship while I run, and best of all, to stay healthy.
I was having a reflective moment in the park before setting out on my run when I was made aware of a man passing by me. You just get that feeling inside. I made my way down the road to get back home the quickest way I could. I took a quick left into one of the side roads and when I looked behind me, the same man I had seen in the park was right behind me with a self-made knife in his hand. He started chasing me, caught up to me and as we struggled, I tried to push him off, with him wanting to stab me with the knife in his hand.
As we were struggling, we were on the one side of the road, a white Mercedes Benz came driving up the same road and suddenly, I found myself cornered between the two. It was clear that they were working together. The man from the Mercedes held me from behind and the other one was pointing the knife right at my chest. I screamed that they could take my phone but just spare my life! They managed to grab my phone, got into the car and sped away. Neighbours came running out to help me, and I found myself struggling for breath and crying uncontrollably.
My daily run, that was supposed to be my sanity, turned into a nightmare, and I thank the Lord that He kept His angels around me and that I wasn’t stabbed, that I’m still living with purpose!
Running is one of the best ways of unwinding, it is amazing for cardio which produces a strong heart and lungs. Therefore, we should not stop being active, but rather practise safety on the road, so here are some tips I want to share.
Going into 2023- Safety Tips while running on the road:
1. Always stay alert and be aware of what’s going on around you.
2. Think of possible escape routes in case of a confrontation
3. Take notice of who is ahead of you and who is behind you.
4. Run clear of parked cars, bushed and dark areas
5. Don’t wear jewellery
6. Take a whistle with you
7. Don’t wear headsets or activate noise cancellation on your earbuds when running alone on the streets
8. Always carry some form of identification in a wrist pocket.
9. Try to get a running partner
10. When in doubt follow your intuition. If something looks suspicious, don’t panic, run in the opposite direction.
Running is a part of being healthy, let’s not stop doing it, let’s just practise being safe on the roads.
May you have a prosperous 2023 and may we all in this year become physically fitter and healthier!
Simone Simon – Owner of Life Long Body