I promised to share with you some testimonies of ladies who not only survived sex trafficking, but have also managed to overcome it in multiple ways. However, in this month’s article, I aim first to give you further insight and knowledge around this important topic. After all, we are called to be the salt and light in this world – this means, in all areas of life.

Full Decriminalisation of Prostitution – What Is the Root Problem?
The best solution to a problem is to find the root cause and deal with it appropriately. The root cause of sex trafficking is the “sex buyer”. Without the people who choose to buy others for sex, there would be no prostitution and no sex trafficking.
Sex buyers inflict great harm on those they use and pay for sex. Here are some key reasons from the National Centre On Sexual Exploitation, as to WHY sex buyers have to be stopped:
- Case studies and research have revealed that sex buyers inflict serious physical and psychological harm on the individuals they purchase for sex. It often includes sexual assault, rape and murder. Data from five countries1 has revealed that men who claimed to be regular sex buyers were more likely to admit having engaged in sexual violence compared with men who had never purchased sex. In a study comparing sex buyers and non- sex buyers2, it was reported that the sex buyers committed more crimes, including violence against women, assault, crimes with weapons, crimes against authority, burglaries, and substance abuse-related crimes.
- Enforcing laws against sex buyers holds the right people accountable. Prostitution law enforcement practices have traditionally been biased against those sold into prostitution as opposed to those buying sex. Shifting the limited resources of law enforcement from arresting prostitutes to arresting sex buyers corrects this imbalance, and holds those responsible for inflicting abuse and harm accountable.
- Demand for sex workers is minimised when sex buyers are penalised, and this also helps reduce sex trafficking. Sex buyers do not want their behaviour found out! They use a range of different methods to ensure that they remain anonymous and avoid arrest. An analysis of data from 150 countries3 found that countries with legalised prostitution have more cases of international human trafficking. Prostitution is legal in Germany and the number of people working in the sex industry is estimated to be 60 times higher than that of Sweden. The number of trafficking victims in Germany has been calculated to be nearly 62 times more than that of Sweden, where sex buying has been illegal since 1999.
- Sex traffickers are difficult to deter due to market incentives created by sex buyers. Across the full spectrum of sex traffickers – including friends, family members and those in positions of power – the participants are motivated by money. Every cent in the global sex trade originates from sex buyers. Every victim is purchased by a sex buyer and, typically, multiple sex buyers per day. A very small number of pimps and traffickers are ever arrested. They are also likely to be replaced as long as demand remains strong.
- Sex buyer deterrence tactics are well documented and widely implemented. At least 15 distinct types of demand reduction tactics have been used in more than 2,400 US cities.4
- Demand reduction requires effort. When implemented rigorously and consistently, demand reduction efforts are effective at curbing prostitution.
- Demand reduction is cost-effective. A comprehensive programme combatting sex buying, which provided support for people in prostitution in the UK5, reduced costs to the criminal justice system by 55%. A US national assessment of demand reduction efforts noted that most anti-demand tactics are cost -neutral, and that some generate revenue through fees and fines.
- Stopping the buying of sex is considered a “primary prevention” strategy. Within Criminology, “primary prevention” is a term used to describe those strategies directed at modifying the physical and social conditions which provide opportunity for crime. Robust efforts aimed at curbing demand for paid sex, such as maintaining, strengthening, and enforcing laws that deter sex buying, create a culture that prevents harm before it happens. Prevention is always key!
- Sex buying is not representative of all men – buying sex is not inevitable. While many men have purchased sex, most have not. The results of a survey conducted among 8,201 adult men from across the US6 revealed that only 6% had bought sex within the past 12 months, while only 20% had done so at least once in their lifetime. Among the currently active sex buyers, 64% agreed with the statement “I would like to stop buying sex.” The transactions of high-frequency buyers accounted for nearly 75% of the prostitution market. Only about 6% of those men who purchased sex illegally reported ever being arrested for it. The characteristics and motivations of sex buyers are not a mystery.
Many people frown upon prostitutes. My hope is to bring you valuable information that will open your heart and mind to the truth. My prayer is that you will see the system of prostitution in a new light, and that you will also look upon those within the system with new eyes and new understanding.
Please pray that South Africa will not fall into a pit of destruction by fully decriminalising prostitution. May this article, and the one before, encourage you to internalise these facts and use them to inform others, and to be salt and light in a dark world.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute”
– Proverbs 31:8 (NIV)
- B. Heilman, L. Herbert, and N. Paul-Gera, The Making of Sexual Violence: How Does a Boy Grow Up to Commit Rape? Evidence from Five IMAGES Countries (Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women and Washington, DC: Promundo, 2014), The Making of Sexual Violence (accessed December 7, 2021).
- Melissa Farley and Jacqueline M. Golding, “Arrest Histories of Men Who Buy Sex,” Justice Policy Journal 16, no. 2 (2019): Arrest Histories of Men Who Buy Sex (accessed December 7, 2021.
- Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher, and Eric Neumayer, “Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?,” World Development 41 (2013), doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2012.05.023.
- Demand Forum, “Tactics,” (2021), https://demand-forum.org/tactics/.
- Boswell, et al., ibid.
- Demand Abolition, ibid.
Tershia de Klerk Managing Director of The Joseph Movement NPC