In our rushed and stressful society many people suffer from fatigue. What are the signs of fatigue?
. Chronic tiredness or sleepiness
. Muscle weakness
. Dizziness
. Headaches
. Irritability
. Poor concentration
. Blurred vision
. Low motivation
. Appetite loss
. Short term memory problems
. Slow reflexes and responses
. Having difficulty in focusing on the situation at hand
Before starting a training programme with me, many of my clients, have some or several of these symptoms of fatigue. The problem is that they are unaware that exercise provides an enormous boost and helps in reducing, or even eliminating fatigue.
During an exercise session feelgood, hormones called endorphins are released, which clear your head and make you feel amazing afterwards. They also naturally release pain.
Other feelgood hormones released during exercise are serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamine release is responsible for the good sleep that comes after exercise, and this in turn leads to better concentration and a more positive mood.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that works in balance with dopamine and is associated with happiness, focus and calmness, while oxytocin, known as “the love hormone”, helps to give an overall feeling of wellbeing.
All these neurotransmitters attach themselves to the brain’s ‘reward centre’, which is associated with pleasurable sensations, along with learning, memory and more. Exercise definitely plays a huge part in fighting fatigue. 30 minutes of active aerobic exercise a day will definitely keep the fatique away!
Make sure that your exercise goes hand in hand with a healthy diet. You want to have a balanced lifestyle that can get you through a full day of goal setting and achievements and hectic schedules.
Take time out every day to meditate on the Word of God, along with daily exercise and healthy eating. Your body and brain will reward you for it.
You are so worth it!
Simone Simon – Owner of Life Long Body